BUSINESS | 09:47 / 08.07.2024
2 min read

Number of pensioners in Uzbekistan exceeds 4 million

As of May 1, 2024, the number of pensioners in Uzbekistan was 3,998,966. A month later, as of June 1, pensioners reached 4,008,597.

The number of pensioners in Uzbekistan has exceeded 4 million, the Pension Fund reported.

It was reported that as of June 1, 2024, the number of citizens receiving pensions from the Pension Fund amounted to 4 million 8 thousand 597 people. As of May 1, 2024, their number was 3 million 998 thousand 966.

In January-May of this year, new pensions were assigned to 124,184 citizens. Of these, 102,610 citizens were granted old-age pensions, 14,388 citizens were granted disability pensions, and 7,186 families were granted survivor’s pensions.

The number of pensioners by region is as follows:

•  Fergana region – 473,337 people;
•  Samarkand region – 426,789 people;
•  Andijan region – 374,667 people;
•  Tashkent city – 367,483 people;
•  Tashkent region – 365,544 people;
•  Kashkadarya region – 357,362 people;
•  Namangan region – 313,241 people;
•  Surkhandarya region – 268,066 people;
•  Bukhara region – 253,604 people;
•  Khorezm region – 220,681 people;
•  Republic of Karakalpakstan – 215,679 people;
•  Jizzakh region – 135,250 people;
•  Navoi region – 134,829 people;
•  Syrdarya region – 102,065 people.

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